Food as Medicine - How fruits and vegetables keep you healthy

We’re lucky to have have a family farm where we can appreciate seasonal fruits and vegetables growing throughout the summer. This week our black raspberries ripened, and the zucchinis, cucumbers, carrots, red lettuce, beets and watermelon are growing!

It’s important to incorporate regular servings of fruits and vegetables into as many meals as possible. About 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day is ideal.


Why it’s so important to consume fruits and vegetables?

Eating more plant-based foods like whole grains, starches, fruits and vegetables can help prevent, treat and even reverse chronic conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and even heart disease!

It might sound far-fetched, but the reason why plant-based nutrition is so effective is because of the underlying disease process. Conditions like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure are directly related to weight, specifically weight gain. So maintaining a healthy lifestyle (nutrition, physical activity, sleep, etc…) is key to treating and preventing these types of conditions.

Unfortunately, our current medical system is not set up to help patients lose weight and develop healthier habits. Mainly because it’s time consuming and hard work! Instead, the focus is usually on taking the right medications which, while important, does little to reverse the underlying disease process.

At Kahn Health, we incorporate the latest research on nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle medicine to help educate, empower and treat our patients so that they can feel healthier and better about their lives. We do this in the form of lectures, group support (optional), and most importantly by meeting patients where they’re at. Our goal is to be working together with our patients in a positive way so that they can achieve their goals.

If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call at 973-965-8409. Or if you’re ready to sign up, please click here.